Which plants were best? The numbers.
It's the first Saturday I've been home in what feels like months. The Habanero fermentation is bubbling in the kitchen. The fridge is...
Which plants were best? The numbers.
Mouse Bastards
Some Surprise Flavours
Chilli Flakes and Killer Onions
Ripening Books & Peppers
Writer versus Barbecue
Meet the Peppers
An Appreciation of the Cayennetta
The Month of Pubescens
Pinching out and the Runt Trough
CREATING A MONSTER: Chinense / TF Powys / Ivy Aphids / Leaf Curl / First Flowers
The Baccatum Resurgence
Free Hot Pepper Plants!
The Balance: size, season and species
Taking the Chillies for a Walk
Making Mistakes, Potting On & the Supercharged Annuum
Out with the Toad, in with the Douche: Transplanting Jalapenos
Seedlings Up / Heat Mat Out / Fungus Gnats In:
On Worms