This is the most inarticulate branding in my hot sauce journey so far.
No, sorry, let me start on a different note. I didn’t want to do any more negative reviews of sauces and I won’t. (Maybe.) And this is not a negative review of the sauce. The sauce is lovely. It’s a gentle, sweet little mustard sauce. It’s basically Bajan in style but hasn’t got any heat. So it’s as mild, soft and inoffensive as you can imagine. Honestly, it’s as dangerous as ducklings.
So how would it be best to package and reflect such a nice, well-mannered mustard sauce? A skull with a dagger stabbed through it and a hooded cobra wrapped around with its venomous, dripping fangs bared, of course!
It’s just stupid. Nothing against the artist here. Some of the images Thiccc use are good fun and I'm going to be talking about a couple of them for a psychedelic post later on. This skull/dagger/snake image would have been put together on the full screen of a computer and they would have just been given the brief of ‘generic hot sauce danger vibe’ or something and gone to work. Fine.
Whatever happened, the result is terrible. The image is irrelevant and misleading and the company has miniaturised it, along with the wobbly modern/nouveau sans display type (all in caps), into obscurity. It doesn’t work on any level.
Miniaturising is a big issue here. The image wasn’t meant to be this small and the type is not really designed to be used this small. Even the nutritional information is unreadable. I’ve seen this happen in the classroom, with students working from screens and not checking the ‘Actual Size’ on InDesign. You only do it once. The test print comes out and you correct it.
If it weren’t for my hot sauce quest this year I wouldn’t go near this bottle or brand. My eye would just pass over the incoherent mess of it. Honestly, because it’s been shrunk so poorly your eye won’t register the shapes at a glance. And if I did notice the bottle and looked at the image on the front, I’d move on. It’s such a dull cliché and there’s nothing that reflects anything about the sauce.
Did I mention I like the sauce? I do. I love the sauce.
£4.99 per 150ml / £33.23 per litre